Jul 29, 2011

James Rickards

Helen Skopis spoke to James Rickards, Senior Managing Director at Tangent Capital Partners.

Jul 21, 2011

Janis Emmanouilidis 19.07.11

Leaders of the 17 eurozone countries, plus European central bankers and commissioners, will hold an emergency summit in Brussels on Thursday in the latest, probably the biggest, effort to settle Europe's sovereign debt crisis.
The stakes are huge, with the leaders under enormous pressure from the markets, the Americans and the vulnerable parties in the eurozone to agree a new rescue package for Greece and more broadly to ringfence the euro.

To discuss this long running crisis, Janis Emmannouilidis Senior Policy Analyst at the European Policy Centre in Brussels spoke to Athens International Radio and Helen Skopis.

Birgitta Jonsdottir 18.07.11

A tiny country of only 320,000 people is becoming the first nation in history to use the Internet to create a new constitution.
To better understand how the creation of Iceland's new constitution through the power of social media and open debates to crowd-sourcing is progressing, AIR 104.4FM and Helen Skopis spoke to Birgitta Jonsdottir a member of Icelandic Parliament for the Movement.

Jul 14, 2011

Professor Albrecht Ritschl - 11.07.11

Professor of Economic History at the London School of Economics, Albrecht Ritschl spoke to journalist Helen Skopis and Athens International Radio 104.4 about what has gone wrong in the eurozone.

Fredrik Erixon - 13.07

Director at the European Centre for International Political Economy (ECIPE), Fredrik Erixon spoke to Athens International Radio 104.4FM and journalist Helen Skopis to discuss what selective default is.

Jacques Delpla

French Econimist Jacques Delpla - July 5th